Brisk (1)


Segment: Health plans and insurance management

Challenge: BRISK Consultoria is constantly looking for new partnerships to strengthen its prospecting work year by year.

PaP was hired to generate qualified leads by scheduling meetings in Brisk's target segment, focusing on its insurance consulting and management services.

"The potential of distribution channel strategies can represent opportunities for sustained leadership. With this in mind, at BRISK Consulting we constantly seek new partnerships that allow us to strengthen our prospecting work year by year. In the first phase of our relationship with PAP, they showed they understood our business and presented to the prospects our superior value proposition and that we would provide them with a remarkable experience. They knew how to identify our target, elaborating an assertive list of prospects and finally scheduling meetings with qualified people. This gratifying experience led us to renew our contract with PAP and thus enrich our pipeline towards a year of success."

Jorge Abel
Head of Intelligence for New Businesses


We draw up the ideal client profile and generate prospect lists with high adherence to the services offered.

We drafted the phone and email approach scripts as well as the entire warm-up ruler for cold and warm leads.

We approached 300 companies, mapping the framework of decision-makers and infuencers and presented the company and its differentials.

We scheduled 15 qualified meetings within 90 days and set up an agenda with dozens of future opportunities for new tenders (contract expiry).