5 questions and your answers about sales scripts

1. What exactly are sales scripts?

These are scripts and their contents to communicate with your potential market, with the objective of showing them the benefits of your product and service, broadening their awareness, and reducing the barriers to a possible purchase.

Scripts are the result of your communication to the market and go into every piece of marketing communication:

  • Corporate website
  • Landing pages
  • Presentation material in PDF
  • Prospecting e-mails
  • Relationship E-mails
  • Commercial proposal
  • Ads on Facebook, Adwords, Linkedin and others

The scripts are used in prospecting calls, in attending to leads, and also in face-to-face meetings to present products.

In short, definition of sales scripts: What to communicate, through which channel, and how often to specific market segments in order to sell products and services.

2. Why are scripts important?

Sales scripts are fundamental to your commercial success.

What you say and how you communicate with your market is crucial for you to be considered or not.

3. What are the most important scripts?

Your phone and e-mail approaches when prospecting.

Your communication to the people who are looking for your company, that is, the inbound leads.

4. How do I build scripts?

These are three angles of approach that we have to cover to surround the possibilities of a good script:

You start by asking yourself (and you can spend a little time working out your answers) what benefits your product/service offers the market.

The first question to answer is: Why would a potential customer buy your product/service?

The second question you must answer is: Why should you buy from you and not from your competitor? What are the positive differentials compared to your competition?

Write your answers as accurately as possible, avoiding generalizations and presenting cases, proofs, or evidence to support your assertions, if possible.

The third question you must answer is: Who else but me can prove what I am advocating? This includes tests, cases, testimonials, materials, articles, and anything else that corroborates what you communicate, as long as it comes from a third party.

5. What are the best applications

capt is software from PaP Solutions that helps you put together 130 scripts for 10 different products. It is exclusive to students in the prospecting and customer conversion courses.

It starts by asking for information of what you want to put on the market, literally "plucking" from your mind all the possibilities of value generated, from 8 angles of approach, and then distributes the messages in several channels: to prospecting calls, presentation e-mails, follows, Linkedin messages, recorded messages, support e-mails, relationship e-mails, and others.

Besides capt, the other apps are text editors with more specific features for organizing your thoughts and ideas like Airstore and Trello, for example.

You can use any tool that allows you to organize your content, that can be collaborative and easy to update and retrieve information.

Stavros Frangoulidis
Stavros Frangoulidis
CEO da PaP Solutions ⚡ Vamos conectar também no Linkedin

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